How to Scrape Lowe's Data: A Complete Guide
Lowe’s is a key player in home improvement, offering various products for homeowners, contractors, and DIY enthusiasts. Their website provides detailed product information and customer reviews, which makes it a valuable source for businesses, analysts, and researchers.
Lowe’s has nearly 2,000 stores in the U.S. and Canada and serves millions of customers each month. Accessing their data can provide insights like:
- Product details such as pricing, specifications, and availability
- Customer reviews that offer consumer preferences and feedback
- Search results based on specific keywords, which help in analyzing trends and competition
However, scraping Lowe’s data isn’t always easy. They use CAPTCHAs, rate limits, and IP restrictions to make it difficult. This guide will explain how to scrape Lowe’s data using Python and APIs.
What This Guide Covers:
Product Information: Extract names, specifications, pricing, availability, and images.
Customer Reviews: Retrieve ratings, review content, and submission dates.
Search Results: Gather product listings based on specific keywords.
Let’s get started.
Python Tutorial: Scraping Lowe's with Unwrangle API
Step 1: Prerequisites
Before you begin, make sure you have the following:
API Key: Sign up on Unwrangle to get your API key.
Python Installed: Make sure Python 3.x is installed on your system.
Requests Library: Install the requests library if it’s not already installed by running:
Step 2: Making a Basic API Request
To scrape Lowe’s data, you’ll make a GET request to the /api/getter endpoint with the following query parameters:
Platform: Specify the type of data you want (lowes_detail, lowes_reviews, lowes_search, or lowes_store).
URL/Search/Zip Code: Provide the relevant details based on the API type.
API Key: Include your Unwrangle API key to authenticate the request.
Additional Parameters: Use optional parameters like store_no, zipcode, or page depending on the data you’re fetching.
Parameter | Description | Required/Optional | Default Value |
platform | Specifies the scraping engine you wish to invoke (e.g., lowes_detail, lowes_reviews, lowes_search, lowes_store). | Required | None |
api_key | Your account's API token to access the Lowe's API. | Required | None |
url | URL of the product listing on Lowe's website. Remove unnecessary query parameters and percent encode the URL. | Required (for lowes_detail and lowes_reviews) | None |
item_id | Item ID from the product listing URL. Can be used instead of the url parameter. |
Optional | None |
zipcode | Zip code of the store for location-based queries (e.g., to fetch product availability in a specific location). | Optional (for lowes_detail and lowes_store) | None |
store_no | Lowe's store number. Used for location-specific queries. Can be found using the Lowe's Store Search API. | Optional (for lowes_detail, lowes_reviews, lowes_store) | None |
zip_state | Two-letter state code used with store_no for local queries. | Optional (for lowes_detail) | None |
page | Page number for reviews or search results. Max value: 1000 for reviews, 30 for search results. | Optional | 1 |
search | Search term for querying Lowe's product listings. (e.g., l awn mower, outdoor chair) |
Required (for lowes_search) | None |
platform and api_key are required for all requests.
For lowes_detail and lowes_reviews, the url is mandatory to specify which product you want to scrape.
For lowes_search, the search query is required to get search results for specific keywords.
The page parameter is useful for controlling the number of results fetched, with different limits depending on the endpoint (e.g., 30 for search, 1000 for reviews).
Location-specific queries (using zipcode, store_no, zip_state) are optional but necessary for getting results tied to a specific store or location.
Lowe’s Product Data API
You can scrape detailed product information from Lowe’s with a single API call.
A GET request to the /api/getter/?platform="lowes_detail" endpoint lets you scrape product data for any Lowe’s product listing URL in real time.
Here’s how to fetch product details for a specific product URL:
Here's how result would look like:
Lowe’s Product Reviews API
You can scrape customer reviews for Lowe’s products in real time with this API.
Make a GET request to /api/getter/?platform="lowes_reviews" to extract reviews for a specific product URL and page number.
Here’s how to fetch reviews for a product URL:
Here's how result would look like:
Lowe’s Product Search API
The search API allows you to scrape search results from Lowe’s for any keyword in real time.
A GET request to /api/getter/?platform="lowes_search" lets you fetch results based on search terms, page numbers, or store locations.
Here’s how to fetch search results for the keyword “chair”:
Here's how result would look like:
Lowe’s Store Search API
This API helps you find Lowe’s store locations based on a zip code.
Make a GET request to /api/getter/?platform="lowes_store" to fetch details about nearby Lowe’s stores.
Here’s how to fetch store locations for a specific zip code:
Here's how result would look like:
Looking for a Simpler Approach?
If building a scraper feels overwhelming, using Unwrangle API is an easy way to access Lowe’s data in real-time. With your API key, you can start pulling product details, reviews, search results, or store locations in just a few minutes.