Scrape Walmart Reviews API

Get ratings and reviews for products on Costco in structured JSON

Popular Use Cases

Use Cases

Machine Learning

Train your models with recent reviews from the real world that are relevant to your application.

Market Research

Identify macro and micro trends across product categories with verified purchase reviews.

Reputation Monitoring

Keep track of what your customers are saying about your products and business locations.

Alternative Data

Use online reviews as a measure to estimate customer sentiment towards a brand or company.

On demand access to quality data

  • Get access to structured data in real-time. No need to worry about blocking mechanisms and anti-bot tech.
  • Our data APIs are ready to use, there is no need for configuring your parser for attributes and selectors.
  • Simple pricing, pay per successful result only. Say goodbye to being charged for failed requests.
Inbox user interface

Standard JSON format for all platforms

  • Get details like product name, url, thumbnail, pricing, model number, stock status and more with our search API
  • Extract more information using product urls with our product detail and reviews APIs
  • Special attributes like search suggestions, sales numbers, bestseller ranks and more available on certain platforms
Customer profile user interface

Frequently asked questions

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for?
Write to us with your questions.

Why should I scrape reviews?
Review data is an invaluable dataset for gathering business intelligence. Tracking reviews/responses for bulk listings, aggregating product feedback for analyses, studying competitors are a few simple applications. Check out our blog to learn more about how organisations are using review data.
How do I sign up?
You can register and get your API key here. If you would like to get in touch with sales to help you get started, write us at
What is your pricing?
Details on our subscription plans can be found below. A single request to most of the supported platforms costs 10 credits. More details can be found on the docs page for each platform.
What platforms do you support?
We support popular platforms like Amazon (USA, UK, Canada, Germany, etc), Home Depot, Costco, Yelp, Lowes, and more. View entire list here.

Pricing Plans

Monthly subscription Plans available for purchase.


Perfect for brands starting out with alternative data.

$99 /mo

Sign Up

What's included

  • 100,000 monthly credits
  • Shared queue
  • 1 concurrent requests or job
  • Email support - 24hr response, weekly resolution


A plan for businesses finding trends in their niche

$249 /mo

Sign Up

What's included

  • 300,000 monthly credits
  • Shared queue
  • 5 concurrent requests or jobs
  • Email support - 24hr response, 72hr resolution


For businesses looking to supercharge thier research activities

$499 /mo

Sign Up

What's included

  • 750,000 monthly credits
  • Shared queue
  • 20 concurrent requests or jobs
  • Email support - 24hr response, 48hr resolution


A plan for enterprises looking to extract data at scale

$999 /mo

Sign Up

What's included

  • 2,000,000 monthly credits
  • Dedicated queue
  • 50 concurrent requests or jobs
  • Priority support - 24hr response, 24hr resolution